Diversity & Culture Equality


The BiograView stories as originally published are all about raising positive cultural awareness: 

  • to take away fear and stigma causing racial discrimination around unknown ethnicities of which many are represented in our community by immigration, refugee status, and even by birth 
  • to create an understanding for each others’ differences and appreciating the qualities we bring into the world as a cultural being 
  • for diversity and culture equality in education and the workplace

We need to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts and recognise the fellow human being we all are, regardless of our cultural background. After thousands of years of people migrating from one part of the world to another it never ceases to amaze me that there is still so much hatred, fear, misunderstanding and racism in the world. 

Too often we see migrants bullied at school or at work; unable to get a job or losing their jobs due to their ethnicity. Even people who were born here have been “told to go home” because they happen to have different features. 

We still experience language difficulties – a lack of vocabulary; sometimes as a local we find it hard to understand a foreign accent when English is spoken as a second language. More support is needed to facilitate local language skills to minimise these lingual symptoms. It takes two to tango and although there are organisations that provide these kinds of services it’s not always as simple as that. Yes there may be workshops with regard to discrimination, human rights and harassment, but we need to think more preventively rather than looking for a cure. As locals we can be more flexible and understanding, withouth judgment of others. We can never fully be aware of someone else’s situation and therefore, see life from their perspective. 

We need to be willing to open up, and be prepared to listen or ask again if you didn’t understand something the first time. We have to acknowledge that racism is real. It will take time but with a bit of willingness from all it shouldn’t be too hard to achieve peace and harmony with the right attitude at home, at school, and in the workplace. 

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